Track FEDEX parcel


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Fedex Smartpost

One of the most popular global carriers, Fedex provides a myriad of services for corporate and individual customers. Fedex Smartpost shipping service is one of its strong sides: it ensures fast and safe delivery around the globe and within U.S. borders. Why millions of clients trust their parcels to them, and why this company has become a leader in its sphere?

smartpost fedex

fedex smartpost

  • A few words about Smartpost Fedex

    The foundation of the company was laid by Frederick W. Smith, who invented a system to address logistic challenges and accommodate time-sensitive shipments, for instance, in IT, electronics, or medicine. He was the first to propose new practices for revolutionizing the postal sphere.

    • In 1973, the company appeared: it had 389 team members, and 14 planes at its disposal. Within a couple of years, Fed ex Smartpost became the number one carrier of high-priority packages and set the industry standards.
    • In 1970s, it was the leader in air cargo delivery, and now it also has the largest air fleet.
    • The company managed to reach $1 bln revenue by 1983.
    • Intercontinental delivery began in 1984 – parcels were sent to Europe and Asia.
    • In 1994, the carrier was renamed, and a year later, it became the only US all-cargo carrier that delivered goods to China. Its global coverage continued to expand due to the acquisition of different postal companies, including Roberts Express, Caribbean Transportation Services, Caliber Logistics and Caliber Technology, RPS, and many other companies.

    Constant development enabled the company to ensure coverage of 220 countries worldwide and provide all essential services, including Smartpost, international shipping, etc.

  • What is Fedex Smartpost shipping?

    smartpost pp ground shipping

    smartpost shipping

    Fedex Smartpost delivery is available over the entire USA (Alaska and Hawaii included), and outside its borders. There are no Saturday delivery or residential surcharges. Customers can enjoy customizable solutions and choose the delivery time, pickup options, etc. As a rule, delivery takes 2-7 business days depending on the destination.

    FedexSmartpost is recommended for customers who need fast shipping of lightweight parcels.

    The service applies to parcels up to 70 lbs, and the carrier does provide:

    • money-back guarantee;
    • proof of delivery;
    • collect on delivery;
    • declared value;
    • handling of hazardous materials.
  • Additional Federal Express Smartpost options

    To enhance the efficiency of this service, the company offers additional options, such as:

    • Fedx Smartpost Network. To save money and accelerate delivery, the company ships packages over the network of strategically placed hubs to transfer shipments to the closest destinations.
    • Returns. Customers who have over 20 returns of lightweight shipments per day can use this service. It makes returns faster and more cost-efficient. Besides, just like the regular deliveries the same Smartpost pp ground service is available for returned items.
    • International shipping. Network covers 220 countries around the world providing freight and lightweight package delivery.
    • The streamlined network allows for delivering shipments over 150 lbs.

    If you want to enjoy fast delivery and trouble-free tracking, this carrier will live up to your expectations. FedEx Smartpost parcel post service is the smartest and easiest way to manage lightweight packages as well as freight shipments.

FedEx Smartpost rating
over 16 votes

FedEx review by Nicholas C Rath


41930808268412 You can help me find this order for 3980 State School Rd. that’ll be awesome

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FedEx review by Michael Sowders


This shipped on the 22 of January. All it says is enroute so what does this mean and when can i expect my package? Not really happy right now. Usually FEDEX is fast on delivery so what happy this time i do not know.

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FedEx review by Frederick G


Said 3 days to arrive but been waiting for 5-6 days and it still hasn't gotten here.

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FedEx review by Krishna


It’s a bad service they said parcel was delivered in three days to US but minimum five to six days to deliver the package I’ve faced this issue with many times

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FedEx review by Kelsy


How is it possible that the people who make the deliveries leave the boxes loaded on the cars? That's why there is a specific place to leave the packages, not on the cars. I want to know if they are responsible for the damages to the cars.

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FedEx review by Muhammad Tayyab


It is a very bad service

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